Simon, a Cyrenian

Mk.15:21, ‘Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross.’

 Simon, a Cyrenian, was compelled to bear the cross of our Lord. The story of Simon in Bible begins with this sentence which reflects unwillingness. But his story ends up in the book of Romans, where his wife and son, Rufus is greeted by apostle Paul. What Simon was compelled to do, had not only touched his heart and life, but also that of entire family. Is our life transforming our family member’s lives ? Where does our story begin and how might it end ?

Simon carried the cross of our Lord. Nothing else is written in scriptures about him. Whether he preached or prophesied ; we do not know. But one thing is certain. The rest of the way to Golgotha, the crucifixion of our Lord and all that happened there ripped open the hard heart of Simon and was replaced by a heart of flesh immersed in the love and sacrifice of our Lord. In this small journey to Golgotha, Simon did not hear Jesus preaching nor see Him doing any miracles. But His walk to cross, His prayer on the cross and all that happened there was enough to transform a sinner. How often we long for a life, full of blessings and great testimonies, which we feel can touch and transform other’s lives ! Here, we learn that a person carrying his own cross becomes a living and mobile pulpit. The way we carry our cross is a great testimony and a powerful sermon.

Simon’s transformation is silent in the scriptures. And so are his deeds. But the outcome of his transformation and deeds were loud enough to reach the ends of the world. Small and silent  works for the Lord has power to reach the ends of globe.  Mk.15:21 says that he was the father of Alexander and Rufus. Further, we read in Romans 16:13, ‘Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.’  When Simon was being transformed and sanctified for the Lord, his children too were being chosen in the Lord. Romans 16 is a chapter which has a list of names of lives who really labored hard for the kingdom of God and who supported and encouraged apostle Paul much in his ministry. Rufus, Simon’s son’s name has been named in this list. It’s not mentioned as to what he did, but whatever he did was accepted and blessed by God immensely. Hence, his name found place in the holy scriptures. Besides, Simon’s wife was a spiritual mom of apostle Paul. What a great privilege she was given, to be a spiritual mom of a great apostle of Christ ! Again, we do not know what exactly she did for the Lord. But she being addressed as the apostle’s mom is surely not a small crown on her head.

Dear friends, we don’t need a pulpit to do great things for the Lord. Greatness of works we do for the Lord is the outcome of humbleness of hearts that perform them. Simon’s wife’s name is not mentioned in the scriptures, but her role to build up a great servant of God has been recorded. Let’s not weigh the works with its sound and size. Rather, lets focus on our hearts with which we do the seemingly smallest for the Lord.

Simon, who was compelled to bear the cross of Christ , later realised the depth of God’s love for him and his family. Today, if we feel that we are compelled to do certain things for the Lord, let’s not hesitate. For sooner or later, our spiritual eyes shall be opened to comprehend His love for us. Names of Rufus and Alexander found place in the holy scriptures. The only way to be assured of our children’s names to be recorded in the book of life is by being willing to carry our cross faithfully till the end. When today’s world is investing money to make the lives of kids fruitful, let’s realize that nothing more than our tears shed for them in prayers and our transformation can make them fruitful. Ps.37:25-26, ‘I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. 26 He is ever merciful, and lends; And his descendants are blessed.’

 Simon, the Cyrenian, has taught us a lot. Its amazing that the mere mention of his name in the scriptures has taught us so many lessons. It’s true that the scriptures was written by the Holy Spirit through various hands. Hence, every word in it imparts life and life eternal. May His name be glorified.

 God bless us all (



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Phil.4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Its easy to pray when things around are going smooth. But when the situations seems […]

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